Baby Bedding Pattern Options & Instructions
Baby Bedding Pattern Options & Instructions
If you want free baby bedding pattern options then you have come to the right place! While crib bedding may seem daunting at first, once you browse these great tutorials you'll realize they are really quite simple. Just rectangles, baby! My kind of sewing.
Face it, the options for crib sets out there on the market are very limited so why limit yourself? When you see just how easy sewing your own can be a whole new world of affordable nursery decor opens up for you.
Plus, if you are on a budget, sewing your own will allow you to save money that you can use elsewhere in your nursery room planning.
*Fitted Crib Sheet Bedding Pattern
*Handmade Baby Quilt Patterns
*Strip Baby Quilt Tutuorial
*Felted Sweaters Baby Quilt Pattern
*Fleece Baby Blanket Patterns
About Make Baby Stuff:
Hi crafty friends! My name is Amber Dusick and I'm the "craft at home" mama behind the scenes of this site.
My online crafty story really starts over 5 years ago when I founded Do It Yourself Weddings and quit my day job, but you can read that ancient history over there.
To make a long story short, I had a baby! After joking about creating a "DIY baby stuff" website back in my February '07 newsletter I received countless emails from readers encouraging me to start one, saying that they too were soon starting families. I finally bit the creative bullet a year later and I'm so glad I did!
Running my own business allows me to stay at home with my son which is the most important thing in the world to me. Not to mention I absolutly love doing what I do. I have complete freedom to work when I want (when I find the time, that is) and we can skip off to the beach whenever we feel like it...which is often!
As a "craft at home mama" I experiment with everything from sewing to woodworking...and I still haven't met a craft that I didn't enjoy. Lately, my son and I are filling our days reading vintage children's books, taking long walks under the warm California sun and making blueberry pancakes. My nights are spent crafting, crafting, crafting with my two fat black cats by my side.
My husband and I are also huge wine and food geeks, love traveling and going on weekend adventures seeking nature within the city. I can't say no to ice cream and I can't say no to fabric or craft supplies! Walking through the doors of a craft store is like paradise to me. (And it's like hell for my husband and son who have learned to stay at home for those outings.)
Alexa Certified Site Stats for
This site now ranks in the top 1% of all websites for traffic, which means that of all the websites out there, only 1% receive more traffic than I do! This is incredible and I'm thrilled that so many people are interested in making their own baby stuff. Crafty mamas, unite!
Happy crafting!
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