Children's Bedding and Accessories at
Children's Bedding and Accessories at
Little People's Cove
11312 218th Ave E
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
Orders and Questions: 1-800-797-8619 or 1-253-350-7474
Fax: 1-800-797-8619
Corporate Office: 1-800-797-8619 or 1-253-350-7474
We carry kids bedding from toddler size to queen size. Our childrens bedding is made of high quality fabrics and we have fun themes to choose from.
About Little People's Cove:
“Creating a Child’s Special World…”
My name is Stacey Gifford. I have a loveling husband and two adorable children, ages 5 and 4. When our 5 year old son turned one, he was diagnosed with Epilepsy. The last 5 years have been filled with many ambulace trips and lengthy stays in hospitals. My husband and I both worked full time during those years and our children were in daycare. During those 4 years, I took a lot of time off from my leadership roll has a Senior Network Engineer to take care of our son. With pure ambition and "mommy will power" to be home, I had to find a way to stay home with my children.
Little People’s Cove was created in January 2004. The “Little People” name was derived from my children’s favorite toys and “Cove” came from the movie “Nemo”. We started the retail website, working on it a few hours each night after our kids went to bed, while working full time during the day.
In July 2005, I was forced to leave my day job for my son. At that time, we continued to build the business, while I looked for a position that was not so demanding and was more flexible to our circumstances. We later decided that the best thing for our children and us, was for me to stay home and concentrate on the kids and "Little Peoples Cove"
In 2008, Little People's Cove will be proud to announce it's 5th year anniversary, and we thank all of our great customers for shopping with us, and giving us the chance to make your Little Person's world just a little more brighter.
Our future goal is to some day be able to donate a percentage of all sales to the wonderful organizations that have helped our son in is diagnoses as well as recoveries. Our hearts go out to all those families with illnesses that they have to fight everyday. I can say that I never really took all that life has to offer in my hands and hearts until our son became ill. I now try to make the best out of each and everyday and concentrate on what is really important in life.
We have increased our product line to include commercial products as well as for the home. Our children deserve these great products to help them be imaginative, learn, create and be able to express themselves to their full potential. Our product line gives them that opportunity, whether it be in school, doctors office, church, hospital, daycare center or any other public place outside of the home.
“Every child deserves a little extra…”
Our mission emphasizes personal customer service, quality, design, dependability and competitive pricing.
Children are the souls of our lives, and they deserve everything we can give to them, from love, caring and compassion to special things to cherish. A child is the most precious thing in the world.
Thank you to all of our customers for 4 successful years, and for many more to come.
Copyright 2008 Little People's Cove. All rights reserved. Classroom and School Furniture, Childrens Home Furniture and Room Decor.
