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About Virtual Future Pets

Very often I receive requests from people wanting to know more about Virtual Future Pets: its beginning, its employees, its founders and contributors. This is a great place for travelers to meet the innkeepers.

So lay down your knapsack, pull up a chair, and let the dog sleep under the table. We're about to spin a yarn.

Literal Future Pets, the beginning

Once upon a time (In 1982), Future Pets was a tiny little boarding kennel in the quaint college town of Austin, Texas. Austin is the capital of Texas. It is the computer mecca of the South. Austin has more book stores per capita than any city in the United States. The city council argues water quality and prevents smoke stack industry, fights nuclear power, and builds bicycle-to-work paths. More than anything, Austin attracts educated, environmentally conscientious, concerned citizens.

The little kennel grew, not like pinocchio's nose or Jack's beanstalk, but more like the little engine that could. Clients asked and the humble kennel keepers answered. Soon they were counseling clients about pet nutrition, educating pet owners about how to use only natural and safe products that really worked to cure flea and tick problems, grooming dogs and bathing cats, teaching dog obedience classes, and generally answering the needs of more and more pet owners.

The small kennel was considered THE place to go to seek help from educated, concerned, environmentally conscientious pet professionals. Austin shaped the original store into a mirror of its host city.

By 1987, Jackie Nelson and James Swedras asked their friends and family to help make a leap forward, and Pet Expo was born. It exploded into a store the size of half an acre under one roof. It was huge. It was like a carnival. It had colorful hanging banners, bright lights and sparkling floors. There was nothing that a pet lover couldn't get at Pet Expo. It was definitely the place "Where Your Pet Would Shop". So...clients came and clients stayed. The Christmas cards from happy customers grew like ivy on a wall. The little engine that could was becoming a speeding locomotive.

Founded in 1996, Virtual Pet Expo was the brainchild of Jackie Nelson and James Swedras. Jackie had long been dismayed by the new superstore phenomenon gripping the pet industry: the Office Depots of the pet world were stripping the soul, the education and the customer service from the very place where pets are sold. Jim, a "computer nerd" with a dog was anxious to share Jackie's knowledge and expertise with a wider, more astute audience than she could handle in one-on-one classes.

Spending long hours talking and planning, Jim offered to help shepherd the Virtual Pet Expo into the 21st century. He wanted to keep the shop intimate and comfortable. He wanted to provide information but not "sales spiels". He wanted to help pet lovers purchase the best products at the best price and get the best information in the most pleasant way. The pet store "Where Your Pet Would Shop" was becoming "The Pet Futurestore". At last FuturePets.com was launched!

Our Company's mission is to offer the highest quality and most conscientiously researched products to our customers and to make shopping for those products a pleasure. We combine the talent and expertise of Jackie Nelson, Canine Behavior Psychologist, with a staff of long-time pet industry professionals and the most advanced computer capabilities to educate and entertain today's modern pet owners.

Virtual Future Pets.com is a living, growing project. Even though some areas are still under construction, there's a lot to be said about the departments that are now open and the great future we envision.

©: Copyright 1996-2008 by FuturePet.com
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